

  1. 进入LNMP目录cd /home/lnmp1.7/
  2. 编辑配置文件lnmp.conf,修改这行。PHP_Modules_Options='--enable-exif'
  3. 重新编译安装PHP。运行./upgrade.php输入版本号后回车。

    |            Upgrade script for LNMP V1.7, Written by Licess            |
    |     A tool to upgrade Nginx,MySQL/Mariadb,PHP for LNMP/LNMPA/LAMP     |
    |           For more information please visit https://lnmp.org          |
    1: Upgrade Nginx
    2: Upgrade MySQL
    3: Upgrade MariaDB
    4: Upgrade PHP for LNMP
    5: Upgrade PHP for LNMPA or LAMP
    6: Upgrade MySQL to MariaDB
    7: Upgrade phpMyAdmin
    8: Upgrade Multiple PHP
    exit: Exit current script
    Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or exit): 4
    Current PHP Version:7.4.13
    You can get version number from http://www.php.net/
    Please enter a PHP Version you want: 输入你想要的版本号 

安装 imagick


|            Addons script for LNMP V1.7, Written by Licess             |
|    A tool to Install cache,optimizer,accelerator...addons for LNMP    |
|           For more information please visit https://lnmp.org          |
##### cache / optimizer / accelerator #####
1: eAccelerator
2: XCache
3: Memcached
4: opcache
5: Redis
6: apcu
##### Image Processing #####
7: imageMagick
##### encryption/decryption utility for PHP #####
8: ionCube Loader
exit: Exit current script
Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or exit): 7
Press any key to start...or Press Ctrl+c to cancel