Being in a relationship is a battle with oneself. I saw a short video telling the story of a girl on her first date. The boy asked her if anyone else was competing with him. She smiled and replied, "There is no one else; the only competitor is me." I admire her question: "What's so special about you that makes me want to spend my life with you?" This question has stayed with me ever since. It's concise yet powerful, transcending the typical notions of pursuing and being pursued in a relationship, establishing a perspective of true subject. Love is never just about being loved or pursued; it's not about placing oneself on a shelf to be chosen. To love another means choosing to share your time, space, energy, and peace of heart. It's not about giving myself to you but giving you the chance to truly understand me. From that moment on, I will learn about myself through your eyes, uncovering my hidden sides, facing my contradictions and agonies. I will open myself up, allowing the integration of aspects of another person's personality, despite the warnings and resistance from my immune system. I want you to become a part of me. A writer once said that being in a relationship is a process of learning about oneself and others. It helps us understand our desires, jealousies, need for control, self-interest, tolerance, and transcendence. It's a struggle where you strive to integrate another’s ego while letting go of your own. In this process, we may hurt and be hurt, but we can learn the boundaries that define us.
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Being in a relationship is a battle with oneself. I saw a short video telling the story of a girl on her first date. The boy asked her if anyone else was competing with him. She smiled and replied, "There is no one else; the only competitor is me." I admire her question: "What's so special about you that makes me want to spend my life with you?" This question has stayed with me ever since. It's concise yet powerful, transcending the typical notions of pursuing and being pursued in a relationship, establishing a perspective of true subject.
Love is never just about being loved or pursued; it's not about placing oneself on a shelf to be chosen. To love another means choosing to share your time, space, energy, and peace of heart. It's not about giving myself to you but giving you the chance to truly understand me. From that moment on, I will learn about myself through your eyes, uncovering my hidden sides, facing my contradictions and agonies. I will open myself up, allowing the integration of aspects of another person's personality, despite the warnings and resistance from my immune system. I want you to become a part of me. A writer once said that being in a relationship is a process of learning about oneself and others. It helps us understand our desires, jealousies, need for control, self-interest, tolerance, and transcendence. It's a struggle where you strive to integrate another’s ego while letting go of your own. In this process, we may hurt and be hurt, but we can learn the boundaries that define us.
Tu ne lui as même pas dit au revoir ? You didn't even say goodbye to him ?
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